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Emma Parnell

Service Designer, Joy

Emma smiling against a yellow background. She’s wearing glasses and has long straight hair.

About Emma Parnell

Emma Parnell has 15 years experience as a designer. This is split half and half between strategic brand development and user centred design for products and services.

Emma has worked with organisations such as Cadbury, CRUK, Tesco and the NHS as well as charities, local and national government.

Emma founded Joy in 2021 because she saw an opportunity to bring brand and service design closer together. She works to design products and services in their early stages to ensure organisations deliver on their promises.

She is passionate about inclusive design and working to ensure services can be used equitably by everyone.

Let’s talk about sex

Working at NHS Digital, Emma worked on the national booking service for Covid-19 vaccinations. This talk is the story of a two week period of time, during the initial design and build of the service, where Emma worked to ensure the service would be inclusive for people of any sex or gender.

Emma spoke on day one, June 28th

Day one focused on preparing. Build the right thing …informed by research.