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Sarah Winters

Founder, Content Design London

A portrait of Sarah smiling, wearing a top that matches her hair colour.

About Sarah Winters

In the early 2010s, Sarah Winters (was Richards) and her award-winning content team at the Government Digital Service looked to user-centred design techniques to transform their content. The team used this new approach to set out a system of content design in the UK Government’s content.

After leaving GDS, Sarah took her knowledge and wrote the respected and highly popular Content Design – a book for anyone creating user-centred content.

She also launched Content Design London to provide training and consultation in content strategy and content design for governments, charities and organisations in the UK and worldwide.

Sarah is a respected and in-demand speaker and shares her expertise to audiences at conferences, meet-ups and events globally.

Content design and accessible content

Writers write, sub editors edit and publishers publish. That’s the old world of content. Now, content designers join the discovery phase, influence service design and can make or break your service with a single word.

In this workshop, you will get a quick overview of content design and accessible content.

This is a hands-on, practical workshop will run through:

  • journey mapping from a content perspective,
  • defining success and value so all content has a clear purpose,
  • inclusive content considerations.

After the workshop you will be able to :

  • define success criteria for your content,
  • define how your content is going to achieve value for your organisation,
  • use journey mapping to break down silos between legal, marketing, digital and design teams (and any other team really),
  • Understand how you can open your content to a much wider audience by using content accessibility and inclusivity techniques.

Sarah will deliver this workshop on day two, June 29th

Day two focused on creating. Build the thing right …starting with content.