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Lizzie Bruce

Content specialist, Cake Consultancy Ltd.

A close-up of Lizzie smiling brightly, her hair matching the blurred background.

About Lizzie Bruce

Lizzie set up a content consultancy in 2008, and through it has supported national charities, private companies and government departments to create usable, accessible, inclusive content. Leading teams, projects – and most recently a content-first Discovery phase –multiple high profile, award-winning pieces have benefited from Lizzie’s input.

She constantly shares content knowledge and insights through communities and industry publications, led the Readability Guidelines project, and independently published the popular ‘Task-based intranet content’ book.

Her most recent passion in the content world is creating modular, self-paced content design and UCD e-learning which is affordable for all: a tech for good offering. This has been picked up internationally, with very positive feedback.

Lizzie is currently collaborating on an exciting yet confidential client project with a top content strategy consultant – and has almost finished a new book that applies UX principles to domestic spatial design: home experience design, if you will.

Content design: the right information in the best container

From captioned video to step-by-step to posters, information is like fluid content designers pour into different containers. They design those containers, as well as clarifying the messaging verbally. During this interactive workshop you’ll:

  • explore information presentation options
  • consider which format works best for what (design activity)
  • understand differing access needs (design activity)
  • receive a quick reference tip sheet to take away

Lizzie will deliver this workshop on day two, June 29th

Day two focused on creating. Build the thing right …starting with content.