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Amir Ansari

Global Head of Product Design, Iress

A black and white portrait of Amir who has a neatly trimmed beard and a Tintin-like haircut wearing a jumper over a shirt unbuttoned at the neck.

About Amir Ansari

Amir is the Global Head of Design at Iress - a global financial services technology company, working out of their Melbourne, Australia headquarters.

With over 25 years’ experience in the field of design, and 15 years as a design leader, he has worked across the private and public sectors, in-house and agency, managing UX researchers and designers, while delivering digital products and technology.

He is passionate about inclusion and digital accessibility and democratising the craft of design - doing it with a smile and a hug.

Turning the dinosaur herd: towards an enterprise design system

20 years of building software, not to mention many mergers and acquisitions have led to different tech stacks, theming solutions, look & feel and experiences. How do you align 20+ years of different UIs towards a single design system?

In this talk Amir will cover:

  • Humble beginnings with pattern libraries
  • Current state of the Iress Design System
  • Iress’ future vision towards Design System as a platform
  • Learnings and failures along the journey towards adoption

Amir spoke on day three, June 30th

Day three focused on growing. Scale product design with design systems.