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Adekunle Oduye

Design Engineer, Plaid

A profile shot of Adekunle wearing a jacket and baseball cap standing outside.

About Adekunle Oduye

Adekunle Oduye (Add-eh-koon-lay Oh-due-yay) is an UX Engineer born / bred / based in Brooklyn, New York. Currently he's at Plaid, where he's helping to build Threads, Plaid's official design system. He has previously built products for companies like NASDAQ, Memorial Sloan Kettering, and Mailchimp. Outside of work he's an active mentor & coach for the next generation of product designers and front-end developers.

He also co-authored the Design Engineer Handbook (DesignBetter.Co by InVision) and is passionate about the topics of design systems, prototyping and front-end development. When he's not building software, you can probably find him reading up on Stoicism or planning his next adventure.

The three Ps of a design system

Building a design system that scales is hard. You have to get stakeholder buy-in and then establish a style guide and then build out a UI components library and then develop a voice and tone that captures the brand and and and... There’s so much to do! That can fuel envy when we look at popular design systems on the web and say, “We want to have something like that.” But how do we get there? What are the specific steps we can take to build a successful design system?

  • How to identify and prioritize the users of your design system
  • The process of building a design system from the ground up
  • How to setup a design system to serve multiple use cases

Adekunle spoke on day three, June 30th

Day three focused on growing. Scale product design with design systems.